Saturday 11 April 2015

Critical Appreciation 

How are glass bangles made?
Bangles are a very fascinating and colorful ornament of traditional women. A research work involoved interviewing the helper of Mr. Ahemad (shop owner), Mr. Irshad. He was questioned on how these bangles were made. He told us that he has seen these bangles being manufactured in Ferozabad. A number of people work in the bangle industry to help bring out the final product. Firstly, molten glass is transferred on to pipes and is beaten to make equal in dimensions without removing the pipe. In Mr. Irshad's words, "the molten glass comes out like mehendi from mehendi cone." The pipe along with the molten glass is sent to a machine where the glass comes in contact with an automatic roller. There the hot molten glass starts expanding and rolls around it increasing in size. This results in formation of glass spring. Later, the bangles are manually seperated by cutting the glass spring with a blade.

The next step entails another set of people who join the open ends of the bangles. These are later made to look neat and straight by another set of people. This final product is a result of a lot of labor and hard work of bangle makers.


1 comment:

  1. Glass bangles are such fancy ornaments which are loved by our traditional women, I have always been fascinated by such ornate and fancy designs, and how they are made! thanks for sharing this information!
