Monday 23 March 2015

Bangles - The Indian marriage ornament

Varied in material and decoration, bangles are among the primary ornaments worn by Indian women and are important indication that the wearer is a married woman. Gold is especially favoured material for bangles but is less common than other materials. Lac bangles have been widely used in India since ancient times. They are worn singly or in sets and made in many colors and with many forms of surface decoration including tiny mirrors and gold leaf. Iron bangles are sometimes encased in gold and those of conch shell are traditionally worn by married women in West Bengal. In Rajasthan ivory bangles are common. In some places they are worn in sets that go from wrist to armpit. Glass bangles are the most common of all. Brides usually wear red bangles, and for everyday use the color is often choosen to match the color of their outfit. Glass bangles are worn by women of all classes of society, rich and poor. They are worn by girls also but for a married woman it is a necessity.


1 comment:

  1. Nice..
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